Private gallery in Somerset

The proposed scheme is for a new domestic art gallery on a farm in Somerset. The proposed gallery is intended to provide space for the client to display artwork within their own estate. The scheme also intends to place sustainability at the heart of the project by setting ambitious environmental targets, aiming to be the first net zero gallery in the UK. The whole scheme will be viewed holistically with the landscape being integral to the project. The new buildings will integrate with and extend the existing landscape of the estate significantly increasing biodiversity and allowing for re-wilding. The proposals are the product of a thoughtful process of site analysis, selection and iterative design evolution. The buildings will be designed as artworks in their own right, sculptural forms that are ‘of’ the landscape rather than simply ‘in’ it, beautiful monuments to the treasures within.

The existing site has a number of agricultural buildings which are used to support the agricultural land which the client owns (a mixture of arable and pastoral farming). The new workshop building will also be integrated with the existing landscape. As with the gallery project the intention is also to place sustainability at the heart of the project by setting ambitious environmental targets.
