Ralph Allen School Masterplan
Since 2010 Feilden Fowles have been working closely with Ralph Allen School, a co-educational comprehensive secondary school in Bath, on various projects ranging from landscape interventions to multiple new buildings.
Central to the success of these interventions has been the creation and continuous evolution of a campus masterplan, to guide and focus interventions within the context of the school’s ambition and changing requirements.
The underlying principles of the masterplan have remained consistent throughout its evolution: decluttering the site of dilapidated demountable buildings; opening views across the valley and Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; renovating the ageing building fabric; reinforcing and creating a series of landscaped courtyard gardens, offering relaxed outdoor spaces for socialising and play; and improving the visual identity of the site with enhanced teaching and learning facilities.
To date, an additional 2,750sqm of learning and social space has been created on the campus, including: The Lee Centre (2012), The Rose Building (2014), the new Dining Hall (2019) and the Katherine Johnson Building (2020). In addition, outline planning permission has been granted for a new multipurpose theatre and drama studios – planned to start construction in 2021 – which will complete the current masterplan phase.
This year, the campus masterplan is being revisited to align with the school’s climate emergency declaration and ambitious aim of becoming net zero carbon. The new masterplan will inform the carbon strategy for the school campus over the next decade, incorporating enhancements to the original buildings, renewable energy production and net-zero development.