Author: _golds

Ernest Cook Trust head office competition win

Feilden Fowles has won an invited competition to design the new head office for one of the UK’s leading outdoor learning charities, The Ernest Cook Trust. The site is within the walled garden at Fairford Park, Gloucestershire and the project sensitively restores the north wall of the garden introducing a new building draws inspiration from victorian glasshouses and the microclimates created within walled gardens. The design bridges the wall with a combination of workplace, education facilities and meeting areas. See more about the project here.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park gains planning permission

Our first new-build gallery and visitor centre has gained full planning permission at a planning committee in Wakefield. This project is situated in the green belt in the historic landscape of Bretton Country Park. The project also gained Arts Council Round 2 funding. The intention is to tender during the autumn and go on site in Spring 2017.

Feilden Fowles wins BD Young Architect of the Year award 2016

The prestigious Young Architect of the Year Award recognises young practices from across Europe, with the category being open to fully qualified architects who have been practicing for 12 years or less.

This award is recognition for the “most promising architectural practice in the European Union” and the award has previously been won by the likes of Niall McLaughlin, Carmody Groarke, Coffey Architects and Arquitecturia. This is the first time a UK practice has won the award since 2012.

Yorkshire Sculpture Parks new visitor centre in for planning.


Feilden Fowles has submitted planning for Yorkshire Sculpture Park’s new visitor centre, West Yorkshire. The new visitor centre will provide visitors a world-class gallery space, restaurant and shop. The building is designed sympathetically with the historic landscape, sheltering from the nearby motorway and embracing the stunning views across the park for the public to enjoy.

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FF wins Great Hall project in Bath


Widcombe Great Hall is an exciting new commission for Widcombe Junior School in the heart of Bath. The project, won through a design competition, will deliver a new Great Hall on the foundations of the original victorian primary school. The brief called for the production, cooking, eating and recycling of food to be integral to the design and for an innovative environmental strategy. The Great Hall is to be both a school and community resource with a bold civic presence. Feilden Fowles is supporting the school to raise further funding for this transformative project.